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    How the Pro Programme Works


    Zazzle Pros are the most successful Creators on Zazzle. We are very proud to recognise your accomplishments within the Zazzle Community and we look forward to supporting and accelerating your continued growth and success!

    The Pro programme is a FREE, invitation-only Pro benefits programme. As a part of the programme, members will enjoy exclusive benefits aimed at accelerating the growth and success of their business on Zazzle.

    Qualifying is easy and based on lifetime earnings - Basic Pros only need to earn $100 to participate!



    *Diamond Level members will be personally contacted about their benefits


    Pros are categorised into six levels based on their total lifetime earnings from Zazzle's U.S. domain ( Benefits vary for each level. Zazzle calculates eligibility for all levels on a monthly basis. Qualifying members will be notified via email.

    All Pro memberships are subject to cancellation if members do not comply with all Zazzle marketplace policies. Silver Pros and above must earn at least $100 from within each calendar year to maintain their Pros status. Instances of Pros no longer qualifying for their current levels will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Any Pro whose status changes will be notified accordingly.

    2017 Requirements

    Lifetime Earnings














    *Diamond Level members will be personally contacted about their benefits


