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    The Zazzle Maturity Ratings System

    The Ratings System

    Creators assume responsibility for rating the work they contribute to the Zazzle Marketplace. The purpose of Zazzle's rating system is to provide users with advance information about Zazzle's content enabling control of what they want to view.

    Creators must rate their work in accordance with the following guidelines:

    G: This content contains images and/or language appropriate for people of all ages including children. Parents would not find any of this material inappropriate for even their youngest children. 

    DOES NOT CONTAIN: Nudity, drug content, depictions of illegal activities, violence, derogatory references towards race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental handicaps

    To enable viewing of "PG-13" or "R" rated products on your account, update your account information

    PG-13: This content contains images and/or language that may be inappropriate for young children. Language may go beyond polite conversation but is within the bounds of common, everyday expressions. 
     Nudity, depictions of illegal activities, excessive violence, derogatory references towards race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental handicaps

    R: Users must be 18 years or older to view this content. Content may contain some violence, strong language, and artistic nudity.
     Pornography, depictions of illegal activities, excessive violence, derogatory references towards race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental handicaps

    To enable viewing of "PG-13" or "R" rated products on your account, update your account information.

    Please note that only "G" rated items can be promoted to the "Featured Products" section or the "Top Picks" on a Store home page. Attempts to promote "PG-13" or "R" rated products to the home page will result in an "action failed" message.

    Products rated higher than "G" will not be viewable by Zazzle members with ratings set to G, or non Zazzle members browsing the site with a default rating of "G."

