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    Product Visibility

    Your products posted for sale on Zazzle are set to one of three visibility levels:

    1. Public (everyone can see it) - Your product will be visible to anyone on Zazzle (subject to content ratings) and will appear in search results and in your Store. This option provides maximum exposure and is the best setting for products you want to sell.
    2. Hidden (only you can see it) - Your product is hidden from the Zazzle Marketplace. It is only visible to you and only when you are logged in to the Store containing the product. This is useful in many instances, such as for seasonal products or building out an entire product line of products then launching them all together at once.
    3. Direct-only - Your product is not visible in the Zazzle Marketplace and does not appear in any Store or within any RSS feed. It is only visible through external links or API integrations. This option is typically used by more advanced users who prefer to have a store on their own domain.