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    Updating Royalties for Your Public Products

    How Do I Change My Royalty?

    When posting a product for sale, you have the ability to name your own royalty on the Post For Sale page by simply entering a royalty percentage.

    You can also edit any existing product's royalty markup at any time through My Account -> My Products, or set a default royalty percentage through My Account -> Default Royalty. There is no way to turn off or deactivate the default royalty functionality.

    You can change your royalty at any time, however, our system will aggregate all the royalty changes made in your account and apply them to your products once a month. This will take place on or around the 20th of every month, with the exception of our peak holiday season when royalty changes may be paused. This way all changes will be made at the same time.

    In addition, this will create a steady pricing structure for customers. A consistent shopping experience will help increase customer satisfaction and their desire to come back for more. This is especially important to us during our busy holiday season when we want to ensure that our marketplace maintains competitive pricing. 

    When posting a new product for sale, you have 24 hours to settle on a royalty. After 24 hours, whatever royalty you have set will remain in place until the next scheduled update, as stated above.

    Why are royalties only updated once a month?

    Real-time pricing changes are putting our ability to participate in search engine feeds at risk. This is a very important channel for marketplace sales, so it is imperative that we comply with requests from this channel.

    In addition, this will create a steady pricing structure for customers. A consistent shopping experience will help increase customer satisfaction and their desire to come back for more.
