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    What Royalty Rate Do You Recommend I Use?

    It depends on you how you value your work and what you feel customers want to pay. Generally, we recommend royalties between 10% and 15%* with an average of around 12%. The standard prices for most Zazzle products are set so that with royalties of up to 15%, prices will still be within what customers expect to pay. At the higher royalty rates, the retail comparable would be for high-end art and design.

    For posters and prints, because of the quality of the finished product, you, as a Creator, can test different royalty rates to measure the impact on your sales. We recommend this type of testing to find the optimal pricing for your art and designs. Zazzle uses industry-leading printing technology to reproduce your work with 100+ year archival inks on seven different media, from basic poster paper to canvas. With the addition of custom or standard framing, it's safe to say Zazzle prints are true works of art. You should feel comfortable setting a royalty that reflects the value you place on your work.
