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    How to Reorder

    Placing a new order for a product that was previously ordered is easy to do! You can access your original items and resubmit them for purchase by following the steps below:

    1. Sign in to your Zazzle account*
    2. If you’re on desktop, hover over the profile icon and click 'My Orders'. 
      If you’re on a mobile device, click the menu icon on the top right of the Zazzle home page and then select ‘My Orders'.
    3. Click on "Order History" in the left-hand navigation column
    4. Select the previous Order ID that contains the item(s) that you wish to re-order*
    5. Click on the items (one at a time) that you'd like to re-order to open their detailed product view**
    6. If you need to make any modifications to the original design, click on the "Customise" button, and it will bring you to the original design creation palette for that item
    7. When you're ready to purchase your desired item, select "Add To Cart"
    8. Once you are done shopping, you may proceed to checkout.

    *Please note, orders are domain specific. If there are no visible orders, please ensure you are logged into the correct domain. 

    **Please note that if the item does not open to its detailed view when you click on it from your order history, then it has been removed from the Zazzle site and is no longer available for purchase.
