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    How zRank Works

    zRank allows you to see at a glance how well your store and its products are optimised for the Zazzle platform. Your zRank is a number between 1 and 10 — the closer to 10, the better!

    We are committed to your success on Zazzle and zRank is all about providing you with more transparency into ways you can improve and grow your earnings. Following the best practices and guidelines outlined below is the best way to boost your ranking and, therefore, your success on the platform. There are 3 major components to the zRank algorithm, be sure to put effort behind each:

    1. STORES
      • Create a rich and engaging experience for customers visiting your store. Customise your Store's Homepage to highlight your best products and collections and to showcase who you are as a Creator and brand. Your Store Completion, found on your store's Home tab, is an easy way to get started. Don't forget to complete your Creator profile as well!
      • Subscribe to our blog to receive helpful tips and articles for making the most of your Zazzle store.
      • Getting the word out about your products and your store means getting more eyes on your designs and getting more sales! While monetary earnings are not a part of zRank, the sale of a product is the highest endorsement of quality there is. The more the products in your store are selling the better for your zRank.
      • Promote your store and its products. Creating and publishing products on Zazzle is only the first step to being a successful Creator. This is especially true for new products; the best way to generate sales for new products is by promoting. Make sure you share your masterpieces with the world through your social networks and external sites like blogs to increase visibility and sales. Check out our Creator & Associate Handbook and our SEO Zazzle Chat for more tips on promoting.
      • Great Products. Publish unique, well-thought-out designs on relevant products that best showcase your skills as a Creator.
      • Unique Content. Make sure your product's title, description, text, tags, etc. are unique, relevant, and engaging. Avoid using the same content on multiple products. Find more SEO hints in our Creator & Associate Handbook.
      • Customization. Harness our Template technology to provide users with ways to easily customise and personalise your products.
      • Review. Frequently review your public products and delete (or set to hidden) any products that are no longer relevant, haven't been updated recently or haven't been viewed or purchased. Having a lot of products that aren't popular will negatively impact your zRank.

    Important Notes:

    • zRank is not currently factored into marketplace search results but will be in the near feature.
    • zRank is calculated per store, per creator as a stand-alone metric and does not factor in other Creators or their stores. Only you know your store's zRank.
    • zRank is not a measurement of how much revenue you make nor is it an indicator of how much revenue you will make in the future.
    • zRank will continue to evolve over time and the specific factors used to calculate your score may change at any time. The best practices above are meant to serve as guidelines and your score may fluctuate as zRank continues to evolve. Rest assured that our guidelines will always be focused on encouraging our Creators to create great products and provide an engaging and rewarding user experience!

    Why does my zRank matter?

    As Zazzle's Creator community continues to grow, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our customers' experience and highlight the best stores suited to them. zRank gives us a way to showcase those stores that have put a lot of time and effort into creating a rich and engaging user experience.

    There are also a few added benefits* for your store on Zazzle:
    • Your store will appear, and have preference, as a suggested search result when searching.
    • Your store will appear, and have preference, in the Creator Store search Filter - the links which appear in the left-hand navigation bar for narrowing results in marketplace search.

    *Your store must have a zRank of 4 or above to have these features enabled
