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    Royalty Payment Canceled

    1. Any creator whose Payment Settings information is incomplete or incorrect will have the payment canceled (e.g., incomplete names, addresses, or incorrect tax identification numbers). The payments will be canceled and the funds returned to the account no later than the 20th of the month they were issued and the accounts will be placed on hold pending corrections. Please if you have any specific questions.

    2. Any checks returned as undeliverable will have the payments canceled and the funds returned to the account within 10 days of receipt and the accounts will be placed on hold pending corrections.

    3. Any claims regarding payments not received beyond 90 days of issuance will be researched to determine the issue. If it is confirmed that the payment was lost (i.e. the check has not been cashed) the payments will be canceled and the funds returned to the account. The funds will then be added into the next payment cycle based on the creator's payment settings. No replacement payments greater than 90 days will be issued.

    4. Checks that are stale dated (beyond 180 days) will be voided on at least a quarterly basis, the payments will be canceled and the funds returned to the account and the accounts will be placed on hold pending corrections.

      Canceled payments will continue to show in your account, so you will be able to see what has occurred with your payment.

      As always, please make sure that all of your payment information is correct and fully matches your tax ID number to make sure you get your reportable income from Zazzle.

      VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you make any updates to your payment information, such as inputting the correct name for your Tax ID number or entering a new address or just clicking on the “Save changes” button, there will be a 30-day delay on your upcoming payment to allow for these updates to go into effect. We recommend making any alterations to your payment settings, between receiving your latest payment and the last day of the month to avoid a longer delay.

      If your account has been placed on hold pending corrections or updates to your payment information, please make sure to change these settings back to “Normal” or “Specify” after you have made these changes to ensure you receive your next payment as scheduled.