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    Poster and Print sizes explained

    Standard Print Sizes 

    We offer an array of standard sizes. The print sizes available for a design depends on the image(s) uploaded and preferences set in the design process.

    Standard sizes come ready-made to fit common frame sizes. A list of standard frame sizes can be found below.

    While these sizes are ideal for fitting standard frames, they may not fit your image. To fit your art to a standard size, some cropping may occur. Any adjustments made as a result of cropping will be clearly visible in the "product" and "design" views when designing your poster and/or selecting your size.

    Be sure to examine the product's real view to verify that product looks exactly as you intend it to be produced.


    Custom Print Sizes

    Custom sizes fit exactly to the aspect ratio of your artwork to perfectly match your image.


    Choosing the right image/resolution

    The images you upload will be utilized at no less than 150 ppi (pixels per inch). This means every 150 pixels in your image will become 1 inch when printed.

    Use the highest resolution images available for your Zazzle prints! If you upload a larger image and then choose to print it at a smaller size, it will be generated at the optimal resolution to ensure a quality print. We recommend that you add images that are larger than the minimum 150 ppi. For logos, digital art, or anything with sharp edges and contrasts, 200 ppi or greater is recommended.

    Print & Poster designs that use less than 150ppi may not be posted for sale in the Zazzle marketplace.


    Standard Print Sizes/Dimensions (and minimum resolution requirements)

    • 5" x 7" (750 pixels x 1050 pixels)
    • 6" x 6" (900 pixels x 900 pixels)
    • 8" x 8" (1200 pixels x 1200 pixels)
    • 8" x 10" (1200 pixels x 1500 pixels)
    • 8.5" x 11" (1275 pixels x 1650 pixels)
    • 8" x 12" (1200 pixels x 1800 pixels)
    • 11" x 11" (1650 pixels x 1650 pixels)
    • 12" x 12" (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)
    • 11" x 14" (1650 pixels x 2100 pixels)
    • 11" x 17" (1650 pixels x 2550 pixels)
    • 12" x 16" (1800 pixels x 2400 pixels)
    • 12" x 18" (1800 pixels x 2700 pixels)
    • 13" x 19" (1950 pixels x 2850 pixels)
    • 16" x 16" (2400 pixels x 2400 pixels)
    • 16" x 20" (2400 pixels x 3000 pixels)
    • 16" x 24" (2400 pixels x 3600 pixels)
    • 12" x 36" (1800 pixels x 5400 pixels)
    • 18" x 24" (2700 pixels x 3600 pixels)
    • 20" x 24" (3000 pixels x 3600 pixels)
    • 18" x 27" (2700 pixels x 4050 pixels)
    • 20" x 28" (3000 pixels x 4200 pixels)
    • 24" x 24" (3600 pixels x 3600 pixels)
    • 20" x 30" (3000 pixels x 4500 pixels)
    • 24" x 30" (3600 pixels x 4500 pixels)
    • 24" x 32" (3600 pixels x 4800 pixels)
    • 24" x 36" (3600 pixels x 5400 pixels)
    • 27" x 40" (4050 pixels x 6000 pixels)
    • 30" x 40" (4500 pixels x 6000 pixels)
    • 32" x 48" (4800 pixels x 7200 pixels)
    • 40" x 40" (6000 pixels x 6000 pixels)
    • 40" x 60" (6000 pixels x 9000 pixels)


    * To select a standard frame, be sure to select one of the standard sizes when creating or customizing your poster.
