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    Tips for Selling What's in Your Collections


    Check out our exciting new Collection Experience! For more details, click here


    Want to make a curated experience for your audience and sell what you've put together? Check out the Zazzle Collection Feature which lets you link to a page with products handpicked by you! Maybe you’d like to share your favorite Frozen finds with your Disney fans, or maybe it would be fun to compile a set of Americana goodies for 4th of July – the possibilities are endless. Today we’ll review how to create a collection and go over a few tips to remember.

    #How to Create a Collection 

    You will need -
    1) Your associate ID
    2) All the product ID’s (or PIDs) you’d like to show in your collection (separated by commas)

    Full link:,PID,PID

    Part 1: Collection URL

    Part 2: Associate ID

    Part 3: Product ID’s separated by commas

    Collection Feature Tips 

    Tip #1 Your associate ID is mandatory. In order for the link to work, you will need to include your associate ID in your collections link.

    Tip #2 Make sure there are no spaces. Sometimes when creating your link and posting it on WordPress or another similar site, spaces get added into the link and it’s no longer functional.  One way to get around this to use a URL shortener which brings us to our Tip #3.

    Tip #3 Use a URL Shortener. Using a URL shortener like Bitly or Google URL Shortener will ensure that your links will not get extra spaces in them when uploaded to other platforms.  Another plus to using a URL Shortner is that you can view the stats of your link simply by adding “+” to the end of it. –>



