Downloading your spreadsheet from 3rd party websites
1. Log into Zola.
2. Navigate to "Guest list and RSVPs".
3. Click on the "..." button near your address book and select "Export .csv format" to download the spreadsheet to your computer.
Paperless Post
1. Log into Paperless Post.
2. Hover over your name in the header and click on Address Book.
3. In the Address Book, click on the CSV button to download the spreadsheet to your computer.
1. Log into Avery
2. Click on your name in the header > Click on "Files.
3. Find the spreadsheet you previously uploaded to Avery and click on it.
4. Click on the Download button to download the spreadsheet to your computer.
1. At this time, Minted does not offer a way to export contacts.
2. If you previously uploaded contacts in Minted using their CSV template, you can use the same spreadsheet and upload it to Zazzle using the instructions below.
Uploading your contacts to Zazzle
1. Log into Zazzle.
2. If you are purchasing addressed envelopes, go to your cart.
3. Click on the Manage Addresses button near the envelope you want to add your recipients.
4. Select "Import from Spreadsheet".
5. Click on the "Select your file" button and select the spreadsheet you downloaded previously.
6. Once the file has been selected, click on the "upload your contacts now" button.
7. You will receive a visual confirmation if your contacts have been uploaded successfully.
Using the Zazzle Template
1. If you wish, you may use the Zazzle Contacts template to upload your Contact info into Zazzle.
2. Download the XLSX spreadsheet or use the Google Sheets template.
3. Copy your contact info into the spreadsheet and fill out the appropriate columns.
4. At a minimum, we will require a Full Name and Country for each contact.
5. When you are done adding your contact information, save or download the file as a .CSV file (preferred) or .XLSX (also supported).
6. When you are ready, follow the "Uploading your contacts to Zazzle" section above.
Troubleshooting Tips
1. Delete empty rows.
2. Be sure each contact has, at a minimum, their Full Name and country.
3. Look out for special characters (e.g. !$%^&*) and line breaks.
4. If you encounter errors with any of your rows, correct the issues and create a new spreadsheet that contain only the corrected rows.
5. We have a limit of uploading 1000 contacts at a single time. If you have more than 1000 contacts, please create multiple spreadsheets with no more than 1000 contacts each.
6. We also suggest you uploading your contacts using the Zazzle template if you encounter any problems with the spreadsheets you downloaded from other websites.