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    Tax Forms for U.S. Citizens and International Creators & Associates

    Tax Forms for United States Citizens >>

    Zazzle is required to report your annual earnings to the IRS once they reach either (i) $600 in referrals or (ii) $10 in royalties. If you have a U.S. social security number or Employer Identification Number (generally issued to those living in the U.S. and to U.S. citizens living abroad) and received payments from Zazzle meeting or exceeding either of these thresholds during the previous calendar year, you will automatically receive a 1099 form. The 1099 form will contain all of the legal information you are required to report to the IRS for your Zazzle earnings. These forms will be mailed to the address listed in your payment settings section within your Zazzle account.

    If the total amount of the payments you received from Zazzle during the previous calendar year does not meet either of the above thresholds, the form will not be sent to you, as we are not required to report this to the IRS.

    Tax Forms for International Creators and Associates >>

    Zazzle is required to supply a 1042-S tax form to international Creators and Associates. The 1042-S form is an informational form detailing any monetary amounts given to a person who does not have a U.S. social security number or Employer Identification Number. These forms will be mailed to the address listed in your payment settings section within your Zazzle account.

