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    Zazzle Creator Definitions

    Category Name Definition  
    Traffic Zazzle Pages Visits from Zazzle pages including the home page, featured, collections, /coupons, and stores  
      Zazzle Search Visits from search pages originating from Zazzle  
      Zazzle Marketing, Email, & SEO Visits from traffic through Offsite Ads on Google and Bing or search engine optimization to drive more traffic to your shop from external channels.  
      Direct & Other Traffic Direct visits to your product, visits from blogs, new sites, and any other website that has sent traffic to your product .  
      Social Media Direct visits to your product from social media sites  
    Metrics View Total user hits per product page per day  
    An order is a single transaction with an order number assigned with one more products, An order item is a product type, plus design, plus attributes. The order item attributes are not changeable.
    Royalty, referral, or volume bonus. Earnings are paid monthly between the first and the 15th at the latest. Earnings are paid with a calendar month of delay. For example, in Oct we pay earnings for Aug. One reason is to minimize the effect of cancellations before shipment as well as returns since Zazzle has a 30 day return policy. Earnings in different regions/currencies are calculated locally and converted to a single target payment currency of a user’s choice using conversion rates on the 1st day of a month.
    Search Zazzle All searches attributed to Zazzle Pages, Zazzle Search, Zazzle marketing, and Email  
      Google All searches originating from Google Search & SEO  